
Deadline for proposals: Monday, 15 July 2019

Symposia at Europhysiology 2020 are to consist of one or two organiser (who will also act as the Chair) and therefore not be included as a speaker, two senior leaders in the field (each allocated 30 minutes) and two early-career individuals (each allocated 15 minutes) totalling 1.5 hours. Early-career should be PhD, Postdoc or first faculty position level (non-professorial).

We welcome, and encourage, submissions from all countries, not just from colleagues working in Europe.

Each symposium will have the following format:

  • Senior (30 min)
  • Early-career (15 min)
  • Early-career (15 min)
  • Senior (30 min)

The organiser may select the early-career speakers from the submitted abstracts in June 2020.

There will be 18 symposia in total across the three days.

Each symposium can be funded to a maximum of €2,000 Euro to cover travel, accommodation and registration of speakers who are not members of any of the hosting societies (FEPS, TPS, SPS, DPG). It is the expectation of the Scientific Programme Committee that organisers find funding from additional sources.  This support will be acknowledged online and in the printed programme.

All speakers are required to submit an abstract.

When submitting your proposal, please bear in mind the importance of ensuring gender, geographic and career-stage balance.

The Societies are committed to increasing equality and diversity in the physiological sciences, and we would like to ask you to be mindful of this commitment when making your suggestions for scientific content.

Main organiser
Co-organiser (if applicable)
Senior speaker 1
Senior speaker 2
Early career speaker 1
Early career speaker 2

Please indicate relevant Theme area (one only) *
Cardiac & Respiratory Physiology
Education & Teaching
Epithelia & Membrane Transport
Human & Exercise Physiology
Metabolism & Endocrinology
Vascular & Smooth Muscle Physiology
History of Physiology

Please indicate relevant sub-classification *
Biomedical Engineering
Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Autonomic Control
Cellular Neurophysiology
Cellular Signalling
Comparative / Evolutionary Physiology
Epithelial Transport
Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
Heart & Cardiac Muscle
Human / Environmental / Exercise Physiology
Ion Channels
Microvascular & Endothelial Physiology
Muscle Biology / Contraction
Neural Development & Plasticity
Neuroendocrinology / Endocrinology
Physiological Genomics
Placental & Perinatal Physiology
Renal Physiology
Respiratory Physiology
Sensorimotor Control
Sensory Functions
Sex and Gender Differences in Physiology
Smooth Muscle
Somatosensory Physiology
Translational Physiology
Water and Electrolyte Homeostasis